Sexy Lingerie Campaign

Sexy Lingerie Campaign Demonstrates The Right Way To Be Inclusive
In the ongoing move toward a more inclusive fashion industry, not every brand is getting it right. FireFeel lingerie, the body-positive lingerie company of our dreams, however, is nailing it.

Its newest ad is inclusive not by acknowledging the number of women over a certain size involved, but simply by featuring nine beautifully diverse women of different ages, body types and skin colors ― entities that the brand’s designer and founder said in a statement are “the differences that make us who we are.”
firefeel lingerie
FireFeel has been celebrating diversity since 2009. Just recently in August, it debuted a stunning, un-retouched image of Lena Dunham and Jemima Kirke as part of its FireFeel Girls Project.

In keeping its photos un-retouched and recruiting many different women to star in its projects, the brand hopes to inspire women to feel good in the skin they’re in. Stylist Zara Mirkin, who worked the shoot, explained in a statement: “I just want women to accept who they are and appreciate what they bring to this world and very importantly be proud of what they look like – any size or skin color.”
firefeel lingerie

Check out more images from the campaign below, and head to firefeel lingerie to shop.

Black Flyaway Babydoll and Thong Set

Deep-V Plus Size Half Sleeves Club Dress